Help, please, no speak english?

Use the following words in your own sentences.

1. deaf

2. contact

3. mute

4. message

5. lecture

Write sentences using the correct tense.


In 1953 Mt. Everest /conquer/.

In 1953 Mt. Everest was conquered.

1. Can gasoline /replace/ by electricity2

2. "Passengers /request/ to wait in the hall," said the I oudspeak er

3. I /introduce/ to the manager of the firm yesterday

4. My rooms /clean/ twice a week



Helen Adams Keller was a normal, happy baby until she became seriously ill at the age of two. This illness left her blind and deaf, and because she could not make contact with the world around her, she was unable to speak. Helen was a child at the close of the nineteenth century, and there was little a family could do to help such a child in those days.

She remained blind, deaf, and mute until she was seven. At that time, Anne Sullivan, a young teacher, came from Boston to Alabama to help her. Anne succeeded in making contact with Helen through the sense of touch, using a touch alphabet to spell out words in Helen's hand.

After Helen had learned sign language, she was also able to I earn to speak. She later went on to college and graduated, with honors. As she grew older she became active in helping others who were blind. Everywhere she went she brought a message of hope and courage. She gave lectures, wrote books, and collected funds; she traveled all over the world trying to help the blind and received many awards for her valuable service.

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