How do you know what part of a computer slows a program?

I would like to know what resources a program I have use's.

Its called P-Sea Windplot

It is used to track your fishing vessel out at sea using GPS.

I wanted to know what creates a bottleneck when using the program.

It is not GPU intensive. It does not need a video card.

I have been using this program for years and with years I have switched computers

I would like to know what resources or what is slowing down the computer.Basically what creates a bottleneck when using this computer.

Like is it the memory speed. The hard drive speed , The cpu and that stuff

Just to see what components would be good to upgrade.

I don't know if there is a program that measures anothers programs workload on the computer.

I dont have any idea So please any info would be nice.


The Operating system is now Window 7.

I have been through all the window Programs from 2000 to Seven.

The computer is usually a Branded pc but usually in the high end spectrum 900 to 1000 dollars.

It is a fishing vessel so it is connect to a GPS receiver with receives signal from multiple satellites so Incoming data is not a problem.

The task manager is resourceful i know but I want to know what components would be good to upgrade. Like what resources does the computer take advantage of the most. Will it be better to upgrade with faster memory or larger memory or with faster Processor or just multiple cores or faster hard drive or a solid state hard drive.

Is there a program that test the performance of other programs workload wise?

any help is good

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