This may sound a lil odd, but i need an explanation.

Lately i have changed being 18 and all, i am growing up and coming to conclusions of which i had never thought about before, I am opening up and coming to realization. But the things i have come to learn and see lately have only confeused and frightend me for they seem not from this world.

But that is not all...

For about a month, i have been constantly and multible times a night, sleep walking. I have not known bout this for a while, wasn't till my boyfriend mentioned it to me. He has woken up to me across the room stairing out the window, talking to myself, and sleeping on the porch. After of him telling me bout this, I honestly couldn't remember doing any of these things. I asked him to keep track of how often it hapend and etc.. We came to find out this happens somtimes more then once a night, but mostly always around the same time at night 4:20 am. Altho half of the night i am walking around, up and about, i wake up in the morning to feeling like i have had much sleep.

But this is were it gets bizarre.

Around two weeks ago i started to get these so called almost like epiphanys. its like waking up to a bad dream, you sit up real fast and gasp, then all of a sudden -----------tranced--------------..............

but instead of being like an epiphany, they come to seem more like flash-backs or memorys.

they have me thinking through out the day, trying to remember. Though they seem like memorys, they seem too unworldly, too unrealistic to have once been real before. unlike the sleep walking i remember these so called flash-backs, and i remember waking up to them, for afterwards i would simply be getting out of bed...

and nearly 4 days ago, I have changed come to realizing things and putting two and two together, and theyre actualy making sence. yet in reality, they shuldn't. I am also feeling motivated to create things and to keep learning what I'm being taught, and to teach it to someone.

is this what growing up is like, or is this somthing else??... I need answers.

... :(


If you know anything about this please IM me or inform me, A.S.A.P. please?([email protected])

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