Commensalism, mutualism, or parasitism?

1. A barnacle attaches itself to a whale and rides along gathering food from the water

2. A cowbird lays it's eggs in the nest of a sparrow. The cowbird young are larger and more aggressive than the sparrow young. The mother sparrow feeds the most aggressive young in the nest first. Some of her own offsprings may die

3. Clownfish swim among the stinging tentacles of sea anemones without being stung. The often gather tidbits of food leftover from a sea anemones meal.clownfish are protected from predators when they are near the tentacles. The clownfish tend to scare of large prey that might eat the sea anemone

4. Bees, wasps, and flies gather nectar from flowers and in the process get pollen on their legs. When they leave the flower and go to the next one, some pollen is deposited on the style of the next flower The flower can then produce seeds

5. Yucca moth larvae can only feed on developing seeds of the yucca and the plant is pollinated only by the yucca moth

6. Lungworms live in the lungs of bighorn sheep some of whom die from this

7. The stomach of a cow is home to a type of bacteria that digests the grass eaten by the cow cows cannot digest the grass without the help of the bacteria

8. Cow birds eats seeds and insects. They follow grazing buffalo and cows to eat insects which jump and fly as the animals hooves kick the grass

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