Please check my Paragraph for mistakes :)?

-Tell me where you would rearrange information

-Tell me if you have more information on the patent war

-correct my capital letters and commas and periods and stuff

-this is only one paragraph of 8, so i don't need to know if they had wives or children or anything

-thank you! :-)

In 1900, when Orville and Wilbur Wright tried to get the patent for the airplane, they weren’t the only ones who wanted it. The main person battling them for the patent was a man named Glenn Curtiss. The patent war was a hard time for the brothers, and people said the brothers were greedy and unfair. They said, ‘If someone were to jump in the air and wave his arms, the Wrights would sue.’ The brothers weren’t seen as heroes like they used to be. The patent war didn’t end until four years later, in 1915. When Wilbur passed away in a plane accident, Orville sold the company to Glenn L. Martin for 100,000 dollars, ending the patent war. In the end, every airplane that was made would have an extra fee that they would have to pay to have it made. Then that little amount of money would be split between the Wright-Martin and Curtiss Companies.


also, if you find more information please tell me where you got it. thank you :~D

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