How do deal with my dad?

My father is incredibly temperamental and cranky. I'm sixteen years old, I work part time, and am an average student. With that meager ammount of information, my father can beat down upon me a waterfall of insults.

When he's not home, everything is OK, my mom is happy and I try to help out with chores and siblings. But when my dad comes home from work agitated, everyone seems to get verbally abused or blamed for one thing or another. Then the whole family is so tightly wound up, that the recoil is worse then getting snapped with a rubber band. In general, he has no patience and is incredibly cranky; he's a damned short fuse.

He harps on me for just about everything, and compliments me only when I look good (he's already made it quite clear without having to say too much that with my grades, I won't be getting anywhere. I'll need to rely on my looks) or come home from a long day of work, then he says he's proud about what a good job I have and how I can begin to hold my own now.

He rarely speaks well about me in front of company and family, mainly my brother and sister keep the spotlight at dinner. I sort of feel like that's because I'm a disappointment, but I think he's made me feel like that and I also think it comes out in my grades. Thanks to the way he talks down to me, I am unmotivated most of the time.

I'm a good kid, but he makes it seem like I'm a bad one. I don't drink, I don't break curfew, I don't do drugs, I don't sneak out, I'm not a public delinquent and I don't have sex. I'm single with a small group of friends that I rarely hang out with anyway.

For instance, I tried to help move his desk in the basement while he was working, and I think I may have broken his computer some how. He came home, and he unfurled a load of blames and anger onto us. I think his anger stems from disappointment with his life in general-he hates his job and sometimes I think he wished he could live one of those story book lives, you know... The ones with a golden lab, a perfect family, and a white picket fenced home.

I want to stay home for college but he's already asked me to leave a few times. He's a good man, I know what I'm saying isn't making it sound like he is, but he's just on edge most of the time and it's getting worse with age.

Is there any way I can simply avoid these horrid confrontations? I fight back a lot too because if I don't, he keeps going like a broken record, hounding me until I break down. I find when I bite my tongue I get very aggressive and leash out to the people that deserve it the least. :[


I don't get hit. At all.

It's more of a verbal thing then being hit or threatened. He doesn't threaten me much. O_O

I feel really sorry for you xxsar, I think you should go to child services and save yourself. O_O

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