A poem i made for class, in class?

We had to write something referring to "to be or not to be" and that's all the information i got.--Just want some opinions.

To live or not to live?

A question that will be answered in time.

To live is to love, to die is a crime.

To live without knowledge is the same death will bring,

But in life we wait for it through time and painful stings.

Our nature is to live through it all

And some break this as should an unjust law.

Why live? And why die?

If i find the answer i know it's a lie.

But now, life is the answer for me,

And death will come later to set me free.


wow honestly i just went back and read it in act 3 scene 1 and you're right it has the same content in it. When i wrote it i think i even missed that chapter but i defiantly didn't remember it. It's funny because i actually liked this book a lot because i thought i was a lot like hamlet in ways. Well now it would just be embarrassing to present it in class.

Update 3:

No it's HS but it's easier because she made us all buy a no fear Shakespeare which is a book with the original text and modern text side by side. Unfortunately for me, that only makes it worse because the modern one resembles my poem even more lol. I guess i'll just press my luck with this one and hope i get a decent grade. Thank you for pointing that out though, at least now i know the flaws. But i wont change because i actually liked writing this one.

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